Serving Local Business with Commercial Loans and Business Financing Options
No two businesses have the exact same business financing needs. At Milledgeville State Bank, we recognize this fact and that every business, from new venture to established company, has need for commercial loans at any point in their start up and growth. That is why Milledgeville State Bank offers commercial loans for practically any business need. Whether your business is just starting out, expanding, creating a new work space or needs to purchase new equipment, the commercial lenders work with you to find the best commercial loan option.
The Commercial Loan Process at Milledgeville State Bank
We like to make the commercial loan process as smooth and efficient as possible at Milledgeville State Bank. From your first meeting with one of our lenders, we will work with you to understand your business plan, history and future ambitions. This helps Milledgeville State Bank’s lenders establish a purpose for your commercial loan, how much you need, any collateral you have and your ability to repay your loan.
Available Commercial Loan Options
- Commercial Term Loans- can help finance fixed assets including necessary equipment, building improvements, acquisitions, or permanent working capital for intermediate or long periods of time.
- Commercial Real Estate Loans- a great solution if you are building a new workspace, looking to purchase a new building or expand your existing building or property, rates and terms are based on current market conditions and other addition factors.
- Commercial Line of Credit- this is good option if you have seasonal cash flow fluctuations and need immediate access to cash. Interest is paid monthly only on what you borrow, and commercial lines of credit are available in one-term periods.
- Milledgeville State Bankalso offers construction loans, commercial short-term loans and letters of credit to our business customers.
In order to keep the commercial loan process as timely as possible, Milledgeville State Bank will need the following items and documentation:
- A completed Milledgeville State Bank commercial loan application
- A short business history
- A brief summary of your company’s management team and structure
- Year-to-date financial statement
- Financial statements for each of the last three years, or as long as you have been in business if less than three years
- An aging of accounts receivable and accounts payable
- Complete tax returns for the business for the last three years or however long you have been in business if less than three years
- A personal financial statement dated within 90 days of the request and complete copies of the principal’s/guarantor’s tax returns for the past three years

Dan Nederhoff

Scott Foltz

Matt Scholl

Your Dependable Source for Commercial Loans
Let Milledgeville Bank help get your business idea off the ground or further your business’s success through one of our commercial loan programs. Contact or come by Milledgeville Bank to get started today!