Installment Loans, Personal Loans and Other Consumer Loan Options
There will be times in life when your personal or financial goals can only be reached with a little extra help. From making repairs and additions to your home to purchasing a new car or helping your child get a college education, these expenses, while high, add value to your life. Milledgeville State Bank is here to help you reach your goals by providing numerous consumer loan options.
Offering competitive rates and repayment plans that fit your needs, consumer loans from Milledgeville State Bank include installment loans, personal loans, student loans, home equity lines of credit and certificate of deposit secured loans. Learn more about our consumer loan options, then contact or come by Milledgeville State Bank today!
Installment Loans
Is there a new vehicle, motor home or boat you have your eye on? With an installment loan from Milledgeville State Bank, you can get the financing you need to make the purchase with the added convenience of a payment plan with a specific term. Installment loans can also be used for consolidating your debt, paying off high interest credit cards or emergency medical expenses. Milledgeville State Bank can even help you set up monthly, bi-weekly or weekly automatic payments from your deposit account to pay down your installment loan.
Personal Loans
Personal loans from Milledgeville State Bank can be used for just about any expense, making them a very flexible form of financing. After you are approved, you and your lending officer create a simple repayment plan that best fits your unique needs.
Home Equity Lines of Credit
Use your home’s value to your benefit! With a home equity line of credit, you can get cash to remodel or make additions to your home, help pay for your child’s college, pay off bills or pay for many of life’s other expenses. Milledgeville State Bank’s home equity lines of credit offer a 5-year fixed rate, and the interest you pay may be fully tax deductible (consult with your tax advisor about this matter).
CD Secured Loans
This type of consumer loan allows you to use your certificate of deposit at Milledgeville State Bank as collateral. You end up with an interest rate that is slightly higher than your CD earning rate. Repayment plans are flexible with CD secured loans, generally matching the terms of your investment, which saves you from paying a penalty for early withdrawal of funds from your CD.

Liz Hutchison

Complete a Consumer Loan Application Today to Get Started
Come by Milledgeville Bank today to pick up a consumer loan application. If you have questions regarding consumer loans, you can also contact Milledgeville Bank for answers!